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Ancient Aegean Civilizations: Home

Islands of the Aegean

Illuminated Manuscript map of the islands of the Aegean Sea including Chios (Sakiz), Cos (Stancho, İstanköy), Rhodes (Rodos) and Crete, from Book on Navigation, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.658, fol.101a

Project Home

This guide was originally created to support an assignment for HIS-100 Foundations of the Modern World. Therefore, it includes not only useful resources but information on the research process called for by the specific original assignment.

The organization of the guide corresponds to the essential questions of the project assignment:

How did different civilizations of the ancient Aegean world use their resources to meet their needs?

How did their solutions shape the institutions they created? That is, how did geography and climate affect the political, economic, social, and cultural institutions created in each of the target civilizations?

How do I gather resources using the Carnegie Library and online materials?

How do I cite my sources so that I can acknowledge the work of other people?

How do I present my findings so that others may understandwhat I have learned?

How do I work with other people to create a larger presentation of our collective work?


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Cathy Sweeney
200 Seminary Street
Pennsburg, PA 18073