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STEM: Literature Reviews

Resources for studying, teaching, and doing research in the sciences, technology, engineering, and math.

Steps to Completing a Literature Review

Introduction to Lit Reviews

A literature review is a summary and evaluation of significant research on a particular subject.  Lit reviews are often at the beginning of a larger research article, to introduce a topic and provide its history and development, but they could also stand on their own as separate publications.

Purpose of Lit Reviews:

  • Provide context for a research paper
  • Explore the history and development of a topic
  • Examine the scholarly conversation surrounding the topic
  • Shows relationships between studies
  • Examines gaps in research on the topic

Lit reviews are not simply summaries of the different articles written on a topic. They should take a critical eye to published research to provide insight on the topic.

What counts as "literature"?

"Literature" covers everything relevant that is written on a topic: books, journal articles, newspaper articles, historical records, government reports, theses and dissertations, etc.  However, your teacher may have specific guidelines as to what type of materials you may include.

A literature review follows a different style, format and structure from a research article.

  Lit Review Article Research Article
Describes what? Reports on the work of others. Reports on the authors' original research.

To examine and evaluate previous literature, identifying how author's ideas fit or add to the literature.

To test a hypothesis and/or make an argument.

May include a short literature review to introduce the subject.